Private Stock

Inspired by some of our favourite vineyards who select the best of their best wines in their private stock, we felt that our best instruments deserve the same treatment.

Private Stock Guitars
tempest vintage modern

Private stock guitars are very personal as each and every one is genuinely imagined and built by a Munson. It gives us the opportunity to indulge ourselves by designing guitars that we feel need to be made. Sometimes it’s the grain in a particular piece of wood that inspires us. Or it’s a new colour we have come across. Or we might want to try a new electronic design that would give different tonal variation to add versatility to the instrument. Hey, we dream about guitars, so we should be allowed to indulge ourselves.

We use exactly the same process to build our private stock guitars as we do for our custom shop instruments. This ensures that they are built to the same high quality standard that you expect from a Munson. 

Each guitar is inspected, setup and cleaned (and played a little bit!) prior to shipping which means that it’s ready to go right out of the box. We typically ship within 2-5 working days after receiving your order.

The best news is that our stock guitars are available to order today.

Current Stock

Why buy Private Stock

Simply put, they are ready to go today. We have crafted a limited number of private stock guitars so that you don’t have to wait to get yours.

With a stock guitar you will have an amazing instrument that was built with real care and passion. A guitar that will be an asset to your collection.

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